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Young Entrepreneurs Society Endorses TamBiz.org As Website for Startups

Tambiz.org is a newly launched website owned by the Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance Department of Business Administration of the Far Eastern University (FEU) Manila. This website seems to be gaining fair attention since its launch last November 2020. With the pandemic forcing everyone to go online, looking at tambiz.org is like a breath of fresh air and a spark of hope. It is evidence that there is continued support for young innovators and entrepreneurs in the country.

Navigating through the Tambiz website can provide online visitors a different virtual experience from the Home page to the Expo page where the virtual displays can be found. The website hosts 18 new products by student entrepreneurs who pitch their business ideas to potential investors. It truly supports the ecosystem of startups in the Philippines that has been slowly and steadily growing in the last few years.

The Tambiz website is a special project of the Department of Business Administration led by its chairman, Ms. Maria Carmen Lapuz. In an interview, Ms. Lapuz says “The Tambiz website is a vision that my team eagerly made into a reality. At first, our students felt sad that they will not be able to experience the annual exhibit that we usually hold on campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This why we made it work because we want them to have the same excitement but on a different platform.”

The Young Entrepreneurs Society recognizes tambiz.org not only as a website for startups but a potential home to a vibrant community of innovative minds.

About Tambiz: “TamBiz celebrates innovators and entrepreneurs because they are the makers and doers of ingenious solutions.” Visit www.tambiz.org.


  • Applications welcomed from Philippines and around the world for 2nd edition of the largest and most diverse global pitch competition for entrepreneurs and startups – deadline July 31
  • Bigger and better competition aims to double the number of applicants and will offer US$1 million in cash prizes, with US$75 million in-kind support.

July 2020The Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) is open for 2020, and is accepting applications from around the world – aiming to expand far beyond the 102,000 contestants from 187 countries who participated in its first year. Building on last year’s success, the program offers a chance to pitch on a global stage for a share of US$1 million in cash prizes plus additional investment opportunities and another US$75 million of in-kind support.

The 100 finalists in last year’s EWC pitched their ideas before thousands of people at the EWC Global Finals in Riyadh.

With physical events impossible at the moment due to the coronavirus pandemic, the organizers are taking the EWC online with virtual national finals taking place throughout July and August. One hundred entrants will progress to the global finals at the MGF annual gathering in October. Our new digital platform will make EWC 2020 more accessible, more diverse, and more inclusive than ever before.

The EWC is more than just a global pitch competition with a shot of having life-changing prizes. It elevates entrepreneurs from all stages — idea-stage, early-stage, growth-stage, or beyond – by providing them with tools and resources to grow their venture. There is also a new social entrepreneurship category for the second edition.

This year’s program of support is bigger and better. EWC Accelerates is a virtual training and mentorship program that helps entrepreneurs hone their skills and increase their chances of winning their national competitions – as well as those who advance to the Global Finals. Through the EWC platform, participants will have access to an exclusive content library with relevant information to their current stage of the journey, including:

  • Pitching and deck creation;
  • Customer feedback and product development;
  • Team building and company culture.

In 2020, the EWC platform also offers all contestants who complete their applications an access to a wider range of ‘perks’ than last year, with online resources available to an unlimited number of people, provided by partners such as Google Cloud, Hubspot, Stripe and more, up to an estimated non-cash value of US$25,000.

Other innovations for 2020 include a new social entrepreneurship track, new standalone prizes for categories such as ‘best idea’ or ‘best growth’.

The Entrepreneurship World Cup is hosted by the Misk Global Forum, Global Entrepreneurship Network, and The Global Education & Leadership Foundation. It is supported by a range of global partners, including GSVlabs, TechCrunch, Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, WebCongress, and organizations running EWC National Finals on every continent.

“For the EWC’s second edition in 2020, we want to take last year’s successes and magnify them. ‘Bigger and better’ has been our simple mantra, but in the current circumstances we have now added ‘different’” said Abdulrahman Al-Suhaymi, Misk’s EWC lead. He added: “The virtual platform that we’re developing means that the EWC 2020 will be more accessible, more diverse, and more inclusive than ever before as we target 200,000 startups taking part. Whatever the coronavirus throws at us, our ambition remains undimmed. Because at Misk, we believe that young people are not a problem to be solved, but the world’s greatest problem solvers and now, more than ever, we need to empower their entrepreneurial spirit. The EWC encourages as many young entrepreneurs as possible to get involved.”

“Entrepreneurs are risk-takers and industry disruptors, accustomed to facing challenges head-on,” said Jonathan Ortmans, president of Global Entrepreneurship Network. “Now more than ever, the world needs more entrepreneurs to unleash their ideas and develop innovative solutions and make the world a better place.”

Shiv Khemka, Executive Chairman of The Global Education & Leadership Foundation said: “EWC is the Champions League for entrepreneurs, the World Cup for the world’s best ideas, bringing the excitement and competition of sports into the world of entrepreneurship. EWC is not only reimagining entrepreneurship, but providing a platform to spur global collaboration to create jobs and solutions for the challenges humanity faces now and in the future.”

The deadline for applications for this year’s edition is July 31. Up to 25 virtual competitions will be held throughout the summer. The Global Finals will take place at the Misk Global Forum annual gathering in October 2020 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

YES FORUM February: How to Make a Remarkable Launch

This month’s YES Forum was held last February 07, Friday at Philippine Stock Exchange Center, Ortigas in full house attendance by aspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders and entrepreneurship students.

Mr. Ralph Villero, an Entrepreneur and Co-owner of Samut-Sari Fragrances

He is conducting an Empowerment Program. As part of their Community Service Responsibilities, they are encouraging our community, young and aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs to develop and build their own crafts and to elevate their vision mindset.

Ms. Sheila Fuentes, one of the founders of Forth Co

As for the second speaker, we had Ms. Sheila Fuentes. She’s one of the founders of Forth Co, a fashion tech startup; the go-to online marketplace for sustainable fashion selections which was soft launched last October 2019. She advocates for sustainability in fashion industry and aims to inspire other people to transition into conscious consumption through their online platform, different events & programs for consumers and fashion brands.

YES FORUM aims to connect and engage with the Startups and Young Entrepreneurs to strengthen the local entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more events and announcements! Follow and Like YES Philippines on www.facebook.com/youngentrepreneurssocietyph/



In Style ● Hong Kong

Looking to unlock business potential?

In Style ● Hong Kong (ISHK) is a signature promotion campaign organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) with the aim of promoting Hong Kong as Asia’s trendsetting hub and a business platform for ASEAN companies to go global.

The HKTDC will bring In Style ● Hong Kong to Manila, the Philippines on 5-6 March 2020. This large-scale promotion will include a product trade expo featuring a wide array of Hong Kong’s quality brands and design-focused lifestyle products, a service symposium featuring a range of business services and business leaders from the Philippines and Hong Kong and a series of citywide promotions offering shopping & dining incentives at Hong Kong-styled shops.

The product expo (5 – 6 March) is a two-day B2B trade exhibition with some 140 Hong Kong companies showcase a wide array of quality and design-led lifestyle products, including Fashion Apparel & Accessories, Gifts & Premium, Gourmet, Houseware, Jewellery & Watches, Tech Gadgets as well as Toys. A series of business matching activities, product parades and fringe events will also be held during the two-day expo.

The symposium (5 March) entitled “Hong Kong-Philippines: Partnering for Prosperity” will highlight the business opportunities arising from rapid economic transformation as a result of technology and innovations and how Hong Kong’s world-class business services could support Philippine companies’ global aspirations. Top government officials and industry experts are invited to shed light on how Philippine companies can leverage on Hong Kong’s well-established industries and fast-growing clusters such as FinTechsmart citylegaldigital marketing and logistics to go global.

The signature promotion campaign is expected to attract 2,000 prominent officials, decision-makers of conglomerates, key retailers, industry experts, SMEs and start-up entrepreneurs.

Register NOW via http://bit.ly/3aE6SfV!


GEW Greetings 2019 From Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

President Rodrigo Duterte acknowledged the effort and dedication of the Young Entrepreneurs Society Philippines as it holds the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2019.

In his letter, he stated that “Be assured that this administration will continue to pursue programs and policies that will create a more vibrant and competitive atmosphere in your industry”. 

See his full statement below:

GEW 2019 Greetings From Senate President Vicente “Tito” Sotto III

Senate President Tito Sotto expresses his gratitude in celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week in the Philippines. He believes that GEW empowers youth to pursue their aspirations and also preparing them to be future generations of business leaders.

In his stated letter, “The times call not only for innovative ways of doing things. They also dictate that we can live up to the highest standards and best global practices.”

See his full statement below:

GEW 2019 Greetings from Senator Francis Tolentino

Senator Francis Tolentino supports the Global Entrepreneurship Week Celebration supporting our entrepreneurs and by supporting our local products and services.

Watch his full statement below:


GEW 2019 Greetings from Senator Sonny Angara

Senator Sonny Angara congratulates GEN Philippines for the Global Entrepreneurship Week Celebration and for supporting our entrepreneurs and by supporting our local products and services. 

Watch his full statement, see the video below: 


GEW 2019 Greetings From Senator Aquilino Pimentel III

Senator Aquilino Pimentel encourages every young entrepreneur to participate and attend the GEW 2019. 

In his stated letter, “The activity marks a milestone in the history of the Philippine entrepreneurship as it opens our local businesses to new possibilities and exciting opportunities”.

See his full statement below:

GEW 2019 Greetings From Senator Grace Poe


Senator Grace Poe congratulates The Young Entrepreneurs Society Philippines for organizing the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2019. 

In her letter, she stated that ”MSMEs can be the engine of inclusive growth and the key players in uplifting the quality of life of a community”.  

She also emphasized that we need more events that celebrate the Filipino entrepreneurial spirit.

See her full statement below:

Event Schedule

Global Entrepreneurship Week - Philippines
November 11 - 17, 2024
Metro Manila



