Home » Latest News » Young Entrepreneurs Society Endorses TamBiz.org As Website for Startups

Young Entrepreneurs Society Endorses TamBiz.org As Website for Startups

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Tambiz.org is a newly launched website owned by the Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance Department of Business Administration of the Far Eastern University (FEU) Manila. This website seems to be gaining fair attention since its launch last November 2020. With the pandemic forcing everyone to go online, looking at tambiz.org is like a breath of fresh air and a spark of hope. It is evidence that there is continued support for young innovators and entrepreneurs in the country.

Navigating through the Tambiz website can provide online visitors a different virtual experience from the Home page to the Expo page where the virtual displays can be found. The website hosts 18 new products by student entrepreneurs who pitch their business ideas to potential investors. It truly supports the ecosystem of startups in the Philippines that has been slowly and steadily growing in the last few years.

The Tambiz website is a special project of the Department of Business Administration led by its chairman, Ms. Maria Carmen Lapuz. In an interview, Ms. Lapuz says “The Tambiz website is a vision that my team eagerly made into a reality. At first, our students felt sad that they will not be able to experience the annual exhibit that we usually hold on campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This why we made it work because we want them to have the same excitement but on a different platform.”

The Young Entrepreneurs Society recognizes tambiz.org not only as a website for startups but a potential home to a vibrant community of innovative minds.

About Tambiz: “TamBiz celebrates innovators and entrepreneurs because they are the makers and doers of ingenious solutions.” Visit www.tambiz.org.

Event Schedule

Global Entrepreneurship Week - Philippines
November 11 - 17, 2024
Metro Manila



