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YES Forum June: Behind The Scene Of A Startup

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PenBrothers, Makati City – Funbuddies founder and CEO Benj Tupas shared the behind the scene experience in building a start up in front of the YES Philippines members last June 21. Funbuddies is a mobile application where users can enjoy doing their hobbies along with like-minded people. Users can organize trips and activities and get to meet new people based on interests.

Mr. Benj Tupas started his talk with a free back massage participated by everyone to loosen up the atmosphere.

The highlight of his talk is the 6Ps in starting a startup, (1) Passion “idea”, (2) Penetration “Users”, (3) People “Team”, (4) Product, (5) Process “Innovate” and (6) Profitability “Growth”.  Benj emphasized the importance of passion than profit and that users should be the center of a startup universe. He also shared that in managing a startup team, it is essential to grow vertically as an individual but grow horizontally as a team.

The forum ended with Benj entertaining queries from the audience about their own startup experience which made the session more informative. Soon after, the participants gathered for a group photo and did the official hand sign of Funbuddies, a fist bump.

YES Philippines would like to thank everyone who made this event possible especially to our venue partner, Penbrothers. Catch the next YES forum on July 19! See you there!

Event Schedule

Global Entrepreneurship Week - Philippines
November 11 - 17, 2024
Metro Manila



